• Boarding

    Boarding offers a day of structured, supervised play with friends, nature walks, and enrichment activities, such as puzzles, nose work, and agility. Depending on your comfort levels, your dog will enjoy a cozy night either sleeping in my bed with me or in a kennel next to my bed.

    Pets are provided with filtered drinking water 24 hours a day and fed from heavy gauge stainless steel bowls, which are washed after every meal. All treats are minimally processed and single-ingredient.

    Boarding Rates:

    $80/24 hrs, $40/24 hrs on days your dog is in daycare or partial days, $20/24 hrs for cats or other small animals.

  • Dog Walking

    As a fear-free dog walker, my top priority is your dog’s safety and comfort. I will come to your dog for either a neighborhood walk or to pick them up to go for a hike.

    I specialize in reactive and shy dogs, but some walks with you may be necessary for certain cases.

    Walking Rates:

    $32/hr, $25/half hr, Training walks: $60/hr

  • Drop-in Visits and Catsitting

    Thirty minute visits that include feeding, cleaning up after, tending to things around the house, washing animal dishes, and playing.

    Drop-in Rates:

    $25/half hour